The About Section
This is my gorgeous and lovely, oh-so-necessary About Section. Generally I'm not a big About person, because I feel that it's overkill at times when a fanlisting is on a subject that is not obscure. But this about section is here because I've got a deep adoration for this character, one of my favorites from any fandom or genre I've come across. Want to know what I think? You do?? Well, you're in luck!
About The Name
If you're not a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer then you may be wondering why I would choose to call the fanlisting for a character I really like something as awful as The Dip? The answer is that it's one of my favorite, yet easy to miss quotes which occured in the season 3 episode Dead Man's Party. Buffy's friends are taking on chores for the upcoming party to welcome Buffy back to Sunnydale, when this little gem occurs:
Cordelia: "I'm the dip."
Xander: "Uh, you gotta' admire the purity of it."
Cordelia: "What? Onion dip. Stirring, not cooking. It's what I bring."
For about two years I ran a small Cordelia fansite called 'The Dip' back in the early 2000s. When I was approved for this fanlisting, I thought it would be a great time to dust the old name off. :)
About Cordelia
Cordelia Chase is the self-proclaimed "Nastiest girl in Sunnydale history", a title that is only about half true.
She grew up in the one Starbuck's town that was Sunnydale, California. Rich, popular and a vision of gorgeousness that had no equal until the day Buffy Summers moved into town.
As the bitchy foil for Buffy's social woes, Cordelia occupies both antagonistic and protagonistic roles and becomes a staple in the first two seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.