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WELCOME to "A Million Miles Away".

This fanisting is a tribute to Julie & Randy from the 1983 movie "Valley Girl". It was created and is maintained by Faith Bowie and hosted at my fanlisting collective Boundless-Realms.com.

The name "A Million Miles Away" is a line from a song of the same title that's played in the movie Valley Girl during Julie and Randy's first kiss. It's also played during the lowest point in Randy's onscreen life, the night Julie broke up with him. Please look around and consider joining!

This fanlisting is part of Boundless-Realms.com and The Fanlistings Network. Please have fun and consider joining!

Fanlisting statistics
Script used: Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] v. 1.0.6 (Beta) (original version)
Last updated: 14th January 2025
Member count: 7
Pending members: 0
Newest members: ValleyBaby