Script used: Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] v. 1.0.6 (Beta) (original version)
Last updated: 14th January 2025
Member count: 24, from 9 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Dee
Growth rate: 0 fans/day
The Fanlistings are the original fan network, created by Janine and now run by a slew of dedicated staff. The goal of a Fanlisting is to bring together fans of a certain subject and list them in one place. This would be the only Spike/Faith fanlisting that is listed at The Fanlistings.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a rabid "Spaith" fan. Spaith ( a joint name created from the names Spike & Faith, which beats the alternative Fake ) has to be one of the only fictional relationships that's ever caught my interest. Of course, I'm a dedicated fan of Buffy & Angel, which was the original 'ship for me, but something about Spike & Faith's personalities just struck me.
In 1998 I was watching the 'new' episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's third season, "Faith, Hope & Trick" in which Faith Lehane, reckless wannabe bad ass Slayer was first introduced. I sat through the entire episode with one thought running through my mind. "That girl was Spike. Has Joss run out of characters?" It was later that night that Hellville, my general BtVS site, began it's conversion to a Spike/Faith shrine. Within a week it's first crappy manips and bios were up and the site's general interest sections, like Slaygal's Buffy Speak were being replaced by Spike & Faith in-character essays and the site has just grown from there along with my obsession. Yes, I am LAME, but in a rockage sort of way lol.