{ s i t e } Site things, things of site. { l i n k a g e }
{ c r e d i t s } All graphics, content, coding unless stated otherwise were made by me. The fabulous script that The Cellar uses was made by the ingenious Drac. All written work by me, except for the transcript which I stole from the amazing BuffyWorld.com and a few codes made by the previous owner of the Dirty Girls fanlisting, the great and wonderful Cole. I have absolutely no claim to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Lazy Dave, Telescene or Warner Bros. All hail Joss, whom is Goats. ;) { l i n k h e r e } More coming soon, promise. ;)
This site was created and is maintained by Faith Bowie, and is part of Swinging Wake, my network site collective that houses my Mini Sites, Fanicons, Infanities and now my Legacy's. Smoke Rises is hosted by People Host. Please do not reproduce this site in any way without permission! If you'd like to use something that's posted here, please feel free to ask, I promise I'm not a websurfer-scarfing webmoster. Or am I...? This site is listed at Legacy, The Fanlistings, The Fanicons, EDWA, Faith-Online.com and Slayer Style Links.
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© FAITH BOWIE 2004 - 05 |